"The little church by the airport!"
The Knights of Columbus council for Christ the King was shortly after we became a parish in 2002. The Knights are active, participating members and help with most major parish events. You can sign up to be a Knight at the age of 18 and its members and their families meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Golden Corral to share a meal (dutch treat), pray and discuss upcoming events in the Diocese and parish. The K.C.’s cook for gumbo for our Feast day and also assist in various ways within the parish as the need arises. They also give monetary gifts to our youth, seminarians and other worthy causes as well.
The LAS of Christ the King has been active and present within the parish since before we were a parish. Its ladies, ages 18 and up, help in so many ways and are always looking for new members. All you have to do is show up to one of their meetings, now held on the 2nd Monday of each month (September – May) at 5:30 pm at the home of Becky and Johnny Hensgens. The ladies plan and host various receptions for the parish, such at for First Communion and Confirmation as well as for Easter Vigil and RCIA. They also bake cookies and cakes for many occasions within the parish. Some of the ladies also volunteer for a month to clean the church and help the office staff with programs, envelope stuffing and other needs. The list is endless and if you are looking for a group that likes to have fun, this one is for you.
SVDP is the assistance program for the parish manned by volunteers. Collections are taken up throughout the year to help fund this ministry. We are able to provide assistance (if the individual meets the qualifications) for food, utilities and rental assistance. We also do our best to help parishioners in other ways, such as monetarily in the case of flood, fire or major illness.
The Décor team at Christ the King is a very rewarding ministry that enhances our worship space throughout the liturgical year. The ladies and gentlemen who help with Décor work hard a few times out of the year, specifically during the Advent and Christmas season, Lent and Easter season and a few other times during the year. All it would take is a few hours of your time and you leave knowing you helped to make the experience of Mass for all who attend at Christ the King that much more special. When it is time for a change of décor for the church, details are in the bulletin listing the days and times volunteers are needed for this ministry.