1/13/18 Due to the recent outbreak of flu and other contagious illnesses in our surrounding area, and due to my serious concern for the good health of every member of our parish, I have decided, that it would be in the best interest of all of our parishioners at Christ the King to temporarily suspend the distribution of the Precious Blood at all masses. Once I see occurrences of illness decrease, we shall resume the distribution of the Precious Blood. Please remember that when you receive either species, that is to say, the Precious Body, under the appearance of bread or the Precious Blood,under the appearance of wine,you receive Christ, fully, wholly, substantially present, body and blood, soul and divinity. Also, I wish to take this opportunity to ask all of you to give some serious thought regarding an appropriate gesture at the sign of peace during these ‘Flu months’. I shall leave this to your discretion. I thank you for your understanding regarding these issues. With esteem and affection, Father Tony