"The little church by the airport!"
"We are called as one family in the Body of Christ to spread the Word of God through Fellowship, Support, and Service to all. Under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to living a Christian Life, with Catholic Values and Beliefs to bring all to Christ through our Celebration of the Eucharist."
Fellowship. A core concept of evangelization in our faith community. We are all on a life journey, searching for the truth, seeking God. At Christ the King, we believe that no one is in this journey alone. Let us walk with you.
Support. We are all laborers in God's vineyard. Sometimes life can be burdensome, the load can be too much to bear. Support for one another and our surrounding community is integral to our mission as the Church.
Service. We have come to serve and not to be served. We believe in order for the life of our community to be sustained and fruitful we must continue to reach out. We are committed to the words of Jesus to 'love our neighbor as ourselves'.